May’khethele Programme

Children in Distress Network (CINDI), funded by USAID, implements the Preventing HIV in Vulnerable Populations, Orphaned and Vulnerable Children, Adolescents and Youth (OVCA&Y) in South Africa. CINDI’s programme affectionately named May’khethele (MyChoice) is implemented in five districts in KwaZulu Natal, namely UMgungundlovu, eThekwini, Harry Gwala, UThukela, and Zululand for beneficiaries aged between 01 to 24 years. CINDI has been funded by USAID since October 2007.

The current 5-year funding cycle which commenced in 2018 saw CINDI reaching 117 000 OVC with services in its first year. The targeted vulnerabilities in children has been refined each year to ensure that resources are targeted at children in most need, which led to a reduction in target to enable intense focused service delivery. The current target is 55 030, prioritizing Children and Adolescents Living with HIV (CALHIV), Children of HIV Positive Primary Caregivers, Children Survivors of Sexual Violence, Children of Female Sex Workers, Double Orphans, Children with Disabilities, and Children Adversely affected by COVID-19. CINDI contracted Implementing Partners (IP), in each district, who employ different cadres of workers including Caseworkers, Social Workers, and their Auxiliaries, Child and Youth Care Workers, and Linkage Officers to provide direct individual services to vulnerable children at a family level.


CINDI contracted Implementing Partners (IP), in each district, who employ different cadres of workers including Caseworkers, Social Workers, and their Auxiliaries, Child and Youth Care Workers, and Linkage Officers to provide direct individual services to vulnerable children at a family level. The current CINDI Partners are Community Care Project and National Association of Child Care Workers in eThekwini, LifeLine Pietermaritzburg in UMgungundlovu, Vukuzithathe Health, and Family Welfare Organisation in Harry Gwala, Thembalethu Care Organisation in UThukela and eDumbe HIV/AIDS Group in Zululand.


+27 33 345 7994
55 Jabu Ndlovu (Loop) Street

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